One of the Less Studied Issue of the „League of Militant Atheists“ (Struggle Against Christmas)


  • Mikheil Kartvelishvili /Sakartvelo Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


„League of Militant Atheists“, Struggle, Christmas


At the present stage, the complex study of Soviet politics is of particular importance in both Georgian and Russian and Western historiography, where the direction of Soviet religious policy occupies a prominent place, as it becomes quite clear that without proper analysis it is practically impossible to understand Soviet ideology, domestic or foreign policy. Some important and fundamental issues.In the study of Soviet religious policy, it is natural to pay special attention to the "League of Militant Atheists" organization, in connection with which a number of events carried out by the Soviet authorities.Although the establishment of the League of Militant Atheists, the specifics of its work, the main directions and some important features are well studied in Georgian, Russian and Western historiography, there are some issues that are less studied, but their analysis is given special attention. Should be given.In this paper, we intend to explore one specific direction of the “League of Militant Atheists” in the struggle against Christian holidays, namely Christmas. We will try to analyze what the Soviet authorities intended in this direction, how they tried to achieve the desired result.The urgency of the research problem is determined by several facts, in particular, first of all, as mentioned above, this issue belongs to the category of less scientifically studied, in addition, proper study of the Soviet past is necessary at the present stage. Rooted in the worldview of society, this is why the study of Soviet ideological policy should be given a special place, where the attitude of the communist government towards religion and the church should be given a special place.In the paper we have studied the specific practical or ideological policies adopted by the Soviet authorities towards the Christian holidays, what expression it had, what measures were taken in this direction. Special attention will be paid to such an important issue as the directive from the central government on how it was implemented in Russia and what peculiarities of expression it had in the Georgian reality


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How to Cite

/Sakartvelo, M. K. (2022). One of the Less Studied Issue of the „League of Militant Atheists“ (Struggle Against Christmas). TSU-TI — THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, 1(1). Retrieved from


