TSU-ti  standard author contract, the author transfers  copyright to us as the owner and publisher of the journal (or, in the case of a society-owned journal, to that learned society).

Assigning the copyright enables us to:

  • Effectively manage, publish and make your work available to the academic community and beyond. 
  • Act as stewards of your work as it appears in the scholarly record. Handle reuse requests on your behalf. 
  • Take action when appropriate where your article has been infringed or plagiarized. 
  • Increase visibility of your work through third parties.


After assigning copyright the publisher is the owner of the copyright  and particular author can use own  paper as any other user; As an authors you will still remain the right to:

  • Be credited as the author of the article. 
  • Make printed copies of your article to use for a lecture or class that you are leading on a non-commercial basis. 
  • Share your article using your free eprints with friends, colleagues and influential people you would like to read your work. 
  • Include your article Author’s Original Manuscript (AOM) or Accepted Manuscript(AM), depending on the embargo period in your thesis or dissertation. 
  • The Version of Record cannot be used. 
  • Present your article at a meeting or conference and distribute printed copies of the article on a non-commercial basis.


Publishing  an open access Journal TSU-ti does not let authors to  retain the copyright in his/her work.

Our editorial board will ask to sign an author contract which gives us the right to publish the Version of Record of the article and share it in diversional repositories. This author contract incorporates the Creative Commons license of author's choice, which will dictate what others can do with your article once it has been published.